Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implants


Keeping your teeth healthy and in place is the number one priority of dental healthcare professionals. Unfortunately, there are times when you can’t save damaged teeth. At that point, filling in the gap left by a missing tooth or teeth with a cosmetically pleasing and functional alternative becomes a priority.

At Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Nevada, with offices in Summerlin and East Side Las Vegas, dental implants are the preferred choice for replacing missing teeth. Led by top-rated, board-certified oral surgeons, this talented oral healthcare team has earned a stellar reputation for their expertise in providing their Nevada communities with comprehensive and innovative dental care. That includes dental implants.

Discover why these highly regarded specialists approve of dental implants.

Understanding dental implants

Dental implants are a three-part solution that provides a cosmetically pleasing and healthy alternative to traditional dentures and bridges for replacing missing teeth.

The small, screw-like implant itself is fashioned from bio-friendly titanium that’s surgically implanted into your jaw under the gumline where it acts as a “root.” Once it’s sufficiently healed, a small connecting post (abutment) is then attached to the root of the implant and eventually capped by a very realistic appearing and durable crown (prosthesis).

Depending on your needs, the titanium “root” can be used to secure a single crown or provide a stable anchor for several crowns (implant bridge). The number of implants necessary for replacing a full arch of teeth varies by patient. It relates to factors such as bone density and whether the implants are intended for the upper or lower jaw.

During your initial evaluation at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Nevada, your surgeon thoroughly discusses your options for dental implants.

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants are very well known for their realistic appearance. They look and feel so natural that you may even forget you didn’t grow them on your own.

Along with their aesthetically pleasing appearance, dental implants are durable and easy to care for – just brush and floss as you normally would and see your provider for routine checkups.

Because the bone-friendly titanium implant encourages natural bone growth as it bonds with your jaw, the root portion of the implant helps keep your jawbone healthy and functional. This can prevent bone loss and receding jawline that occurs with traditional dentures that ride on top of the gums.

Your natural gum line remains visible with dental implants, which also influences their cosmetic appeal and helps protect overall gum health.

Like your natural teeth, dental implant crowns can chip or crack as the result of a fall or other trauma, but they’re easily repaired or replaced.

Unlike the embarrassing slipping and sliding, you can experience with traditional dentures, dental implants remain firmly in place.  

Dental implant surgery

The implant surgery provided at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Nevada is one of the safest and most effective procedures we perform and carries a very high overall patient-satisfaction rate.

The process starts with the titanium root that’s surgically implanted into your jaw. Many of our patients note this feels about the same as tooth extraction with some mild tenderness and swelling afterward that’s easily controlled with pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol®).

Because it can take six weeks or more for your jaw to heal and completely bond with the implant, temporary crowns are attached initially and then replaced with permanent crowns when appropriate.

Discover what dental implants can mean for your smile. Schedule an evaluation by calling Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Nevada today.