What to Expect Before, During, and After Having Your Wisdom Teeth Removed


Have you been told you probably need to have your wisdom teeth removed? If so, you’re in good company. About 5 million Americans have their wisdom teeth removed each year. 

But while wisdom tooth extraction may be important for your oral health, like any surgery, it can be scary when you don’t know what to expect. At Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Nevada, with offices in Summerlin and East Side, Las Vegas, Nevada, we believe in treating patients like family. That’s why Dr. Mark Glyman and Dr. Eric Swanson prioritize patient education and comfort before, during, and after treatment — including wisdom tooth surgery.

Before having your wisdom teeth removed

Before your wisdom tooth extraction, you’ll meet with one of our experienced oral surgeons. He’ll review your dental and medical history, the surgical process, and any anesthesia and sedation options available. This pre-surgery meeting is a good time to ask questions and address any concerns you have about the surgery. If you take prescription medications, find out which ones you can take the day of your procedure. 

During your wisdom teeth removal

At Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Nevada, wisdom tooth extraction is performed as an outpatient procedure. Your safety and comfort are our priority. That’s why three or four members of our compassionate care team stay with you at every stage of the process. 

Our patients typically receive local anesthesia. In this case, you’ll remain awake, but your mouth will be fully numb. We can provide a sedative to help you relax, though, if you wish.

The entire surgery takes about an hour or less, depending on how impacted your wisdom tooth is. Your surgeon will make an incision in the gums, remove the tooth, clean the area, and suture your gums closed. 

After your wisdom teeth are removed

You’ll be able to go home the same day and get back to normal activities soon. Depending on the type of anesthesia used and whether you opted for a sedative, you may feel drowsy. Be sure to arrange a ride home from the office, as you won’t be good to drive.

We recommend resting the day of surgery, and you can expect to return to work or school within 2-3 days after your procedure. Your surgeon will give you detailed after-care instructions, and most of your healing will happen within a week. 

Pain after a wisdom tooth extraction is usually mild, and some people experience no pain at all. However, you may have swelling and mild discomfort for several days, so your surgeon can prescribe pain medication if required. Ice packs on the area can help minimize swelling.

If you have a fever or experience pain and swelling that worsens over time, call our office.

Ready to learn more about wisdom teeth removal?

The best way to learn about your wisdom teeth is through a comprehensive oral exam with an experienced surgeon. For an evaluation of your wisdom teeth, call our Summerlin or East Las Vegas offices or book online today!