Your Options for Facial Fractures


There’s a multitude of bones in your face that are susceptible to fracture. But you can’t put a cast on a broken cheek or jaw, can you? How do you treat a facial fracture, and why would you see an oral surgeon for a broken nose?  

In medicine, oral surgery refers to procedures on the mouth. Maxillofacial refers to the face and jaw.

The surgeons at Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Nevada, with offices in Summerlin and East Side Las Vegas, Nevada, are excellently trained oral surgeons. They’ve also undergone additional training in more complex dental, jaw, and facial issues that may include fractures. This gives them the expertise necessary to serve as oral maxillofacial surgeons who are also gifted at reconstructive cosmetic surgery and trauma surgery.

Read more about what these talented experts have to say about facial fractures and the various treatments they may recommend.

Defining facial fractures

A facial fracture refers to a break in any of the bones of the face and mouth. We also define a facial fracture according to the bone involved, which may include:

  • Nasal bones

  • The cheekbones (zygoma)

  • The bony area around the eyes (orbit)

  • Upper jaw (maxilla)

  • Lower jaw (mandible)

If you have a facial fracture, there are several possible treatment choices, and your best option typically depends on the severity and location of the break.

What are the treatments for facial fractures?

Once your break has been examined via physical observation and X-rays, the initial goal is to reduce the fracture, which is medical speak for bringing the bones back into their proper position.

The second step involves keeping (fixing) the bones in place until they have time to heal. This may require medical screws, wires, plates, and other devices to hold the bones in proper alignment.

Treatments for facial fractures include:

Closed reduction 

With closed reduction, your surgeon moves the broken bones back into position by hand. This treatment is typically used to repair a fractured nose and does not require surgery but may include splinting and taping to maintain proper alignment.


During endoscopy, your surgeon uses a small camera attached to a soft, narrow tube inserted into your nose to view the inside of your sinuses and eye sockets. This is a tool that he can use to identify broken bones, remove bone fragments, or secure devices that support the fracture during the healing process.

Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)

ORIF is a surgical procedure used to attach wires, screws, or plates to the bone surface to help prevent the fractured region from moving out of place as it heals.   

Reconstructive surgery

Your Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery expert may also recommend reconstructive cosmetic surgery to repair injuries to your facial bones or soft tissue structures. For instance, he may replace areas of severely damaged bone with a graft to restore the natural contours of your face.

Orthodontic treatment

You might also require orthodontic treatment if your injury has caused improper bite alignment or other issues with your teeth.

Recovering from facial fractures

Individual healing times vary greatly and depend on the severity of the injury, your overall health, and its treatment. Your doctor will provide detailed instructions regarding your follow-up care and recovery expectations before sending you home.

For outstanding care that may include treatment for facial fractures, schedule a visit at Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates today.