Can Surgery Fix an Overbite?


The primary purpose of any dental procedure is to achieve maximum benefits with the least possible discomfort or health risks to the patient. Braces fulfill that goal for many individuals struggling with an overbite. There are times, however, when surgery is necessary to correct the misalignment responsible for an overbite.

The top-level surgical team at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Nevada specializes in treating conditions affecting the head, neck, face, jaw, and oral cavity. They are justifiably proud of the reputation they’ve earned for providing highly effective, even life-changing remedies for various oral health issues.

Read what these nationally recognized experts say about when to consider corrective jaw surgery for an overbite.

Understanding the health effects and cosmetic concerns of overbite

In a normal bite, your upper teeth align just slightly, about 2 mm, beyond the lower teeth. An overbite is a type of misalignment (malocclusion) that occurs when your upper teeth protrude further than expected over the lower teeth. 

A mild overbite may cause no significant issues. In some cases, however, the misalignment is considerable and may lead to:

  • Chronic jaw and head pain

  • Difficulty chewing

  • Problems with speaking

  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder

  • Increased risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and other troublesome dental issues

  • Difficulty fully opening or closing your mouth

  • Obstructive sleep apnea

Often referred to as “buck teeth,” an overbite can also cause significant cosmetic changes that may negatively impact self-confidence.

What causes overbite?

Malocclusion issues such as overbite are often hereditary and linked to genetic traits that affect the shape and alignment of your jaw and teeth. An injury sustained during a car accident, altercation, or other trauma may also result in an overbite.  

Other factors that increase the risk of an overbite include certain behaviors or habits such as:

  • Thumb-sucking past infancy

  • Use of a pacifier beyond age three years

  • Frequent nail biting

  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)

  • Tongue thrust, when the tongue presses too far forward in the mouth

An overbite is often diagnosed in childhood during routine dental exams and typically confirmed with X-rays that may be repeated periodically to monitor alignment changes during growth.

Treating an overbite with surgery

Treatment for overbite varies according to your age, the developmental stage of your jaw and teeth, and the level of misalignment.

Early treatment often includes:

  • Palate expanders to reposition the jaw

  • Braces to correct alignment of teeth

  • Tooth extraction to make room in the jaw

  • Retainer to hold teeth in correct alignment following braces

In adults or those whose overbite has not sufficiently resolved with these early remedies, effective treatment often involves 12 to16 months of bracing followed by jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery) to correct irregularities in the jaw.

Note that jaw surgery for an overbite is only effective once growth and development have ceased, around age 14 to 16 years for females and 17 to 21 for males.

Our surgeons at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Nevada are expertly trained and have extensive experience performing intricate oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures, including overbite correction.

Following an initial evaluation, your surgeon develops an individualized treatment strategy and carefully explains the recommended surgery, expectations for healing, as well as the expected outcome before scheduling the procedure.

The team then works closely with you before, during, and after the surgery to help ensure successful cosmetic and oral health results.     

For more information about corrective jaw surgery or any of the stellar services our experts offerschedule an evaluation at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Nevada today.